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Tổng quan cấu trúc đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 & Hướng dẫn làm bài

IELTS Speaking Part 3 được xem là một trong những phần khó nhất trong IELTS Speaking vì câu hỏi thường thuộc những chủ đề khá lạ với thí sinh, chưa kể thí sinh phải có khả năng phát triển ý để trả lời từ 5-6 câu. Vậy đâu là phương pháp hiệu quả nhất để trả lời dạng câu hỏi này? Cùng theo dõi qua bài viết dưới đây nhé.

Tổng quan cấu trúc đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 & Hướng dẫn làm bài

Phương pháp

Cách mở đầu câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 3

1 Câu hỏi so sánh (Comparison)

  • A and B are similar in many aspects.

  • There are many similarities between A and B.

  • A differ from B in many ways.

  • There are many differences between A and B.

2 Câu hỏi thể hiện sự thay đổi (Changes)

  • There have been/will be so many changes in …. over the years

  • … have experienced/will experience so many changes over the years

  • … have changed/will change in so many ways over the years

3 Câu hỏi lợi ích - bất lợi (Advantages - Disadvantages)



  • There are several advantages of….

  • … can bring several benefits

  • … is beneficial in so many ways

  • There are so many good things I can say about...

  • There are several disadvantages of…

  • …. can lead to many problems

  • …. is harmful in so many ways

  • There are some negative things about….

4 Câu hỏi Yes-No

Những cấu trúc có thể dùng để trả lời loại câu hỏi này có thể kể đến:




  • Of course

  • Without a doubt

  • Absolutely

  • Totally

  • For sure

  • I believe so

  • I totally agree

  • Well I'm not too sure about this

  • I think it depends

  • It’s hard to give a definite answer

  • I don't think so.

  • Unfortunately, no.

  • I'd have to say no

  • I totally disagree

  • I am totally against it


Should the government provide free education to everyone?

=> Well I'm not too sure about this. I think it depends. ….

What are the differences between eating out and eating at home?

=> Eating out and eating at home are different in many aspects.

How have eating habits changed in your country?

=> There have been so many changes in the way that people in my country eat.

Cách phát triển câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 3

Để phát triển câu trả lời trong IELTS Speaking Part 3, thí sinh có thể áp dụng Linearthinking và mở rộng câu trả lời bằng các công cụ như: 

1 Cause:

Câu sau đưa ra nguyên nhân hay lí do cho câu trước

  • This is because…

  • The reason why is because...

2 Effect:

Câu sau đưa ra kết quả của câu trước

  • Because of this,....

  • S + V so S + V

  • For that reason…

3 Explanation:

  • What I mean is…

  • To be more specific….

4 Story:

Câu sau đưa ra ví dụ cho câu trước

  • Let me give you an example.

  • One example is…

  • I remember one time when…

  • Let me tell you the time when...

5 Opinion:

Câu sau đưa ra ý kiến của người nói

  • I think…

  • I believe…

  • I consider it to be…

  • From what I know, it is….

6 Feeling:

Câu sau đưa ra thái độ, cảm xúc của người nói

  • I find it…

  • I feel like it is ….

7 Prediction:

Câu sau đưa ra dự đoán về tương lai

  • I think/hope S will….


Do you think transportation will change in the future?

Definitely. I think it will change in so many different aspects. One thing I can think of is that we will use public transport more often in the future. This is because there will be less and less space for cars and motorbikes as the population continues to grow. Because of this, people will have no other choice but to choose public transport. I think this will be a positive change overall because it is more beneficial for the environment. 

Bài mẫu

Cùng quan sát thử sample bài mẫu cho một nhóm câu hỏi Speaking Part 3 nhé!

Sample Questions:

  1. Is it better to make important life decisions on your own or is it better to consult other people?

  2. Do you think good decision-making can be taught?

  3. Is watching TV a good way of forgetting about work or study?

  4. Should coworkers also spend their leisure time together?

  5. Do you agree that English should be the main language of international exchange?

  6. What are the difficulties in creating a universal language?

Sample Answers:

Is it better to make important life decisions on your own or is it better to consult other people?

1 There are good reasons for both, I suppose. Ultimately, it’s your life so I suppose you should make the decisions. On the other hand, any decisions you make can affect other people so it seems only right to discuss things with others first. Like many philosophical questions, there’s no simple answer, I’m afraid.

Do you think good decision-making can be taught?

2 Well, if you go to a bookstore you’ll see lots of self-help books that claim to teach decision-making. I’m not sure any of them are effective though. I suppose it depends on the type of decision you mean. If it’s a business strategy, then I’m sure some decisions are better than others and business schools teach this. But if it’s a moral issue then I’m not sure anyone can claim to know the right decision, so how could anyone teach it?

Is watching TV a good way of forgetting about work or study?

3 Absolutely, yes. These days there’s so much choice available that we can completely immerse ourselves in entertainment. I mean, you can turn on a good drama or comedy show and pretty soon you forget about everything that happened that day. I think that without TV we’d all go a little crazy.

Should coworkers also spend their leisure time together?

4 I’m completely against this. The problem with people going out together after work is that they just gossip about certain people in the office or factory, and this can hardly be a good thing for the company, can it? Another thing is that there’s always the risk that you will say something you regret after a few drinks and then you have to face your colleagues again the next day. So, in short, I would definitely advise people to think twice about socialising with colleagues.

Do you agree that English should be the main language of international exchange?

5 That’s a very interesting question. I’ve never really thought about it before, actually. We all just assume that it should be English, don’t we? But what other languages could we use? I suppose Chinese is becoming quite an important language, but the pronunciation is too difficult for most people. English is already the main language of universities and business, so maybe it should stay that way.

What are the difficulties in creating a universal language?

6 Do you mean inventing a completely new language? Yes? Well, I mean, er, it’s never been done before, has it? There was Latin, of course, which was used by people all over Europe, but I’m not sure if it was really created for that purpose. Actually, I think there used to be a universal language about a hundred years ago. What was it called again, Esperanto? But that disappeared quite quickly. Er, what I’m trying to say is, I don’t think anyone has ever succeeded in creating a universal language, so I doubt if it will ever be possible in the future.

Tổng hợp đề bài

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