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Exercise Blog - Title



I. Multiple Choice


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 


II. Gap Fill

Listen to the recording about the volunteer work for children in Vietnam and complete each gap with ONE missing word. You will hear the recording TWICE.


Today there are some kinds of volunteers who work for disadvantaged children in  Vietnam. They work in institutions like orphanages, disability centers, villages, and shelters for

children.  Many children are
or their families are unable to care for them. The role of volunteers is to provide
,  education, and life skills for these children. They can help with caring for children, teaching Vietnamese, arts, crafts, music, sports, and life skills where possible. They are required to have specialized training in physiotherapy, nursing or other professions when working with children with
and physical disabilities. 

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III. Short Answer

Rewrite the following sentences using the words given so that it means exactly the same as the first sentence. 


The gardener waters the flowers every evening.

⟹ The flowers


My nephew often flied a kite in this field when he was a child.

⟹ My nephew used


I last saw my cousin two years ago.

⟹ I haven’t


It is believed that the wanted man is living in New York.

⟹ The wanted man

IV. Exercise W hint

The step into adult life can be incredibly exciting, but it also brings with it a whole range of challenges. The 

 and independence from family can feel great, but it can also be really hard. There are lots of decisions to make as you figure out what you want to do with your life.

Study… work… money… relationships… partying. There are lots of 

 and decisions to be made. You may be thinking about leaving home, your career or independent life. Maybe you feel pressure to ‘make something of yourself’ or to be a success. This pressure might be from other people or from within yourself.

Most people will feel some 

or worry about these things; for others, these added challenges can make life quite hard and contribute to depression or anxiety.

If you can’t find work or have lost your job or left education early, it brings all sorts of challenges. The most obvious challenge is having no money. You may feel a sense of failure that can knock your 

. These changes may also mean you’re not in regular contact with other people any more.

It’s not just unemployment which can contribute to depression. Lack of job 

can also play a part. As you’re figuring out what you want to do work wise, or struggling with your work and social life, you might find that you’re not actually enjoying the job you chose.

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V. Quiz

QUIZ 1/2

What is "Chằm Zn"

Trầm Kẽm

0% chọn

Trầm Cảm

0% chọn

Chầm kẽm

0% chọn

Ba thương con thì con giống mẹ, mẹ thương con thì con giống ai?

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