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Hướng dẫn làm chủ đề Money IELTS Writing Task 2

Việc tìm hiểu trước các dạng chủ đề thường gặp sẽ giúp bạn vừa có thời gian tiếp xúc và quen với cách làm, vừa hình thành sẵn những kiến thức căn bản để bạn áp dụng và phát triển thêm trong phòng thi. Vậy nên, trong bài viết dưới đây, DOL sẽ giới thiệu với các bạn về chủ đề Money trong IELTS Writing Task 2.


A. Tổng quan chủ đề Money trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Chủ đề Money có phần dễ đoán hơn bởi nó khá phổ biến trong các đề thi IELTS Speaking khi kết hợp phần lớn với gia đình, nền kinh tế, xã hội, công nghệ…Và trong bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2 cũng có tương tự với một số nội dung chính như sau:

  • Ảnh hưởng của việc có nhiều tiền bạc đến xã hội;

  • Tầm quan trọng của sự bảo vệ quyền lợi người tiêu dùng.


Khi học chủ đề này, việc bạn cần làm là lồng ghép việc học cùng với những chủ đề mà DOL liệt kê bên trên để áp dụng đúng từng tình huống khác nhau, một phần cũng giúp giảm thiểu thời gian luyện tập. Dưới đây là các ý tưởng và từ vựng mà bạn có thể tham khảo để áp dụng cho bài viết trong quá trình luyện tập nhé.

B. Các ý tưởng trong chủ đề Money IELTS Writing Task 2

Money and Society

  • Society has become increasingly materialistic;

  • People aspire to earn more money;

  • They want a bigger house or a better car;

  • We connect wealth and material possessions with happiness and success;

  • Brands like Armani or Mercedes are status symbols;

  • Advertising creates new desires and needs;

  • It persuades us to buy the latest styles.

Positives of Consumerism

  • Consumerism creates employment;

  • It helps to reduce poverty;

  • It encourages innovation and creativity in business;

  • We live in a global economy;

  • We have a better quality of life.

Negatives of Consumerism

  • Consumerist societies create more waste;

  • They use more natural resources;

  • They cause damage to the environment;

  • Consumerism creates a throw-away culture;

  • Advertisers tell us who we are and what we want;

  • Wealth does not lead to happiness;

  • Materialism causes greed and crime;

  • We should return to traditional values like sharing.

C. Các từ vựng và cấu trúc nổi bật của chủ đề Money

  • Money management: Quản lý tài chính;

  • To run into debts: Nợ nần chồng chất;

  • To overspend: Chi tiêu quá mức;

(Example: In the short term, learning money management prevents us from overspending on unnecessary things and running into debts.)

  • Expenditure: Khoản chi tiêu;

(Example: It also ensures that we always have enough money to pay the bills and other necessary expenditures.)

  • Extravagant vacation: Kỳ nghỉ tiêu xài không giới hạn;

(Example: Having a lot of money also allows us to go on extravagant vacations with our loved ones. These vacations give us relaxing moments and memories to keep.)

  • Latest gadgets: Các loại máy móc mới nhất;

(Example: Having a lot of money also allows us to buy all the things we want from the latest technological devices to fashionable clothes, which makes us all happy.)

  • Cure: chữa trị;

(Example: There are still diseases that we cannot cure, and no amount of money can save one person from such diseases, therefore, money cannot buy health.)

  • A lack of: sự thiếu hụt;

(Example: For some people, to earn a lot of money, there is a lack of time spending with their family. When they get older, the lack of close relationships with family members can make them feel very lonely.)

  • Consumerism: Chủ nghĩa tiêu thụ;

  • Materialism: Chủ nghĩa vật chất;

  • Omnipresent: Có mặt ở khắp mọi nơi;

(Example: The rise of social media is a possible cause of consumerism and materialism. Pictures of other people having stylish clothes or cool gadgets are omnipresent and can make us jealous and buy unnecessary things.)

  • Globalisation: Sự toàn cầu hoá;

(Example: Another possible cause for consumerism is globalisation. Nowadays, we all get access to a wide variety of products from all over the world and there is always a product to suits an individual’s needs.)

  • To air: Trình chiếu (một chương trình trên TV);

(Example: Finally, advertising is also very influential in causing consumerism. Companies continuously air unrealistic images of objects to encourage people to buy things they do not need.)

  • Material possession: Sự sở hữu vật chất;

(Example: Materialism is harmful as no material possession can ever be enough. There will always be new products coming out, there will always be people who have more than us and thus we can never be satisfied.)

  • Human values: giá trị con người.

(Example: Materialism also harms relationships and human values. When people no longer care about the feelings of others, crime will rise and destroy our society.)

D. Một số đề mẫu của chủ đề Money

Sample 1:

“Some people believe that our happiness depends on how much money we have. Others say that ‘money cannot buy happiness’. Do you think that having money is the key to happiness, or are there more important factors? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.”

Money is one of the important necessities in human life, many people judge that money is as main determiner of human happiness. However, some people do not think so. Happiness is not able to be bought by money. As an individual, money is not every thing, many things influence the happiness.

All people use part of their life time to work for earning money to survive their life. They need many things in their life which need money to get them, because nothing free in the world, everything needs money. For instance, firstly, people comfortable house for living together with their family, it needs money. As we know that goods are more expensive day by day. Secondly,people need education to change their life to be smart, it needs money for tuition fee. Even though in Indonesia there is free education as government program, it is not free for all. The students need shoes, uniform, transportation, and other things. Because of them, some people measure the happiness by money as measurement.

On the other hand, some people disagree with it. Individuals suppose that friends and family bring more happiness than money and possessions. They say that happiness cannot be bought by money, many wealthy people have much money, they can buy anything which they want. But they are not happy. Fighting is habit in their home, because they have less time to educate their children to be better. Their children do free sex and consume drugs because they have much money given by their parents which they can use to pay and buy everything they want, but they have no control from their parents. The effect is their life being suffer and being bad family. So they assume that the most important for happiness is not about money, but many sides, such as attention from their family, time, educated children, and others.

In my view, I think that happiness does not depend on money, many things determine it, for instance artist, they have much money but some of them cannot maintain their households and educate their children.

Overall, money is needed in our life, but it is not determiner of happiness. We do not just earn money but do not care about family. We have to make balance them.

Sample 2:

“Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good salary leads to a better life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.”

Nowadays, most people go to college and university to study a field they might like in order to have a good and enjoyable job. However, money is still an important factor in a job selection, and several people argue that earning money is more important than an enjoyable job.

On the one hand, it is true that in a way, money leads to a better life quality. With more money we can, for instance, consume more, buy good quality products, go on holidays and do numerous activities. All these things contribute to a more enjoyable life. Even though the job we do does not completely satisfy us, all the other moments apart from our job time will be filled with exciting things. The purpose is to reach well-being and to some extent happiness and money is a way to do it.

On the other hand, although money is a way to reach happiness, it may be not enough. It is not by chance that nowadays people are seeking a job that fit their interests. It is a tendency that increases more and more in western countries. For example, universities provide a wider range of topics and programs every year in order to answer the question that every young wonder: “What I want to do of my life?” In some cases, some decide to quit their job, even well paid, because they evolve in an environment they do not like. This is well the proof that money cannot satisfy all our needs.

In conclusion, I personally think that even though money can help to have a better life, it cannot completely lead to happiness. We spend the major part of our life at work and people are more and more aware that this part has to be enjoyable.

Sample 3:

“Some people say that giving a smaller amount of money weekly to children will help them become more capable as they grow older. Do you agree or disagree?”

Caregivers share the common ground when it comes to childcare activities. In this regard, showing the correct ropes for a growing child to become a shining star in life has been a monopoly for years. Giving weekly pocket money for their wards seem to be a helpful method to make them grow as more competent individuals, according to some parents. While this practice is being beneficial to a certain extent, I also believe it has its own drawbacks.

Money given on a weekly basis to children could help them to become adept at financial management in future. This is because right from childhood they would know the value of money and what can be bought with how much cost. Besides, they would have also been exposed to situations wherein they have to save a fortnight’s money to get something essential. For example, a recent study on child’s attitude to finance, 2014, presents that, if Rs 50 is given per week to a child, the response would be planned expenditure in the fourth week in comparison with the first week. All in all, this change in perception of finance and its efficient planning would definitely help out in the future life of every child.

On the flipside, the penny allotted for children at an early age could deteriorate their lives. There are high probabilities that they may be misled due to their acquaintance. Take for an instance, a child whose essentials are taken care by parents and does not want to spend money on anything, a companion of the child, in particular at the adolescent stage, might make him indulge in some anti- social activities like smoking or drinking. Therefore, until a child gets matured to become aware of the ins and outs of life, even a single penny given would drift away him or her from the path of life.

In conclusion, though a grown-up man or woman takes some time to get on grips economically and attain a social status, it is all a part and parcel of life. In my opinion, the early stage of life, childhood should only be spent for having academic skills as well as pedagogic learning of basic expenses. But if the mother’s and father’s trust this method, the expenses are to be followed by them to borne fruitful results out of this.

E. Một số đề khác

  • Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  • Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people think that financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?

Như đã nói đến ở bài viết IELTS Writing Task 2 – 24 chủ đề thường gặp, bạn nên đọc thêm các bài IELTS Reading hoặc các thông tin về kinh tế để nắm được các từ ngữ chuyên môn cơ bản nhất và áp dụng phong phú hơn cho bài viết của mình nhé, từ đó hiểu và xây dựng được văn phong bài viết cho phù hợp.

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