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II. Book Review

III. Center Review

          IV. Teacher Review

                  V. Course Review

                          VI. Vocab

                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /ə fjuː fəˈsɪlɪtiz ˈædɪd/
                          (noun) .
                          Một vài cơ sở vật chất được thêm vào
                          With some new facilities added, the place have become a much more appealing destination.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /tuː biː rɪˈpleɪst/
                          (verb) .
                          Được thay thế
                          The old seats have all been replaced with new ones.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /tuː biː wʌns ɒn ðə lɛft/
                          (adj) .
                          Đã từng ở bên trái
                          The restroom was once on the left, but now it's been moved to the right.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /tuː biː muːvd tuː ðə raɪt/
                          (verb) .
                          Được dời sang bên phải
                          With the shelf being moved to the right, the room looks more spacious.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /ˈmiːdiə ruːm/
                          (noun) .
                          Phòng truyền thông
                          The media room behind the stage has been switched to the left.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /tuː biː swɪʧt tuː ðə lɛft/
                          (verb) .
                          Được chuyển sang bên trái
                          The payment counter has been switched to the left.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /ˈbɔːdər ə ˈfrɛʃli bɪlt ˈʃaʊə ruːm/
                          (verb) .
                          Ở kế bên một phòng tắm vửa mới được xây
                          The media room now borders a freshly built shower room.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          (noun) .
                          Thính phòng
                          The seating capacity of the auditorium is 200 people.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /tuː biː ɪksˈpændɪd/
                          (verb) .
                          Được mở rộng ra
                          The lobby has been expanded.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /strɛʧ ðə seɪm lɛŋθ æz/
                          (verb) .
                          Có độ dài bằng với cái gì đó
                          The lobby now stretches the same length as the auditorium and the width of the media room.
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /meɪn ˈɛntrəns/
                          (noun) .
                          Lối vào chính
                          The position of the main entrance remained unchanged
                          Make space for two new restaurants
                          /meɪk speɪs fɔː tuː njuː ˈrɛstrɒnts/
                          (verb) .
                          Chừa chỗ cho 2 nhà hàng mới
                          The admin office has been moved further back and to the left corner of the room, making space for two new restaurants.
                          Thiếu từ
                          /Thiếu phát âm/
                          (verb) .
                          Thiếu meaning
                          Thiếu ví dụ


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