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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Chủ đề Đô thị (Cities)

Theo quá trình phát triển của kinh tế, quá trình đô thị hoá và ảnh hưởng của đô thị đến tất cả các khía cạnh của đời sống trở nên rõ ràng hơn bao giờ hết. Và do đó Chủ đề Cities (Đô thị) sẽ là một topic cực nóng có thể được đưa ra trong kì thi IELTS. 1 số dạng đề thường thấy có thể kể đến như Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city Ielts, write a paragraph about the drawbacks of city life, … Ngoài ra, nếu bạn đã nắm vững được chủ đề này thì các đề có liên quan đến ngoại ô cũng sẽ trở nên vô cùng dễ dàng, ví dụ như write a paragraph about advantages of living in the countryside, …


A. Tổng quan chủ đề Cities trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Chủ đề đô thị (Cities) cũng là một trong những chủ đề đơn giản và thường gặp trong các phần writing, cũng giống như những chủ đề đơn giản khác, bạn cần viết theo xu hướng mới mẻ hoặc đưa ra những lập luận chặt chẽ kết hợp với cách sử dụng từ vựng để phô bày khả năng của mình mới có thể kiếm được điểm tốt.

Nội dung chủ yếu là:

  • Quan điểm về quá trình thành thị hoá diễn ra mỗi lúc một nhanh hơn;

  • Thuận lợi và bất lợi của cuộc sống ở thành phố.


Với chủ đề này, hãy trang bị các từ vựng, kiến thức sơ đẳng về lĩnh vực kinh tế, chúng sẽ giúp ích cho bạn trong việc phát triển ý tưởng dễ dàng hơn nhiều. Đọc nhiều sách và bài viết để thu thập kiến thức về xã hội cũng như từ vựng cho mình nhé.

Bạn có thể xem thêm bài viết: IELTS Writing Task 2 – Chủ đề Transport

B. Cách viết và những điểm nhấn riêng chủ đề Cities

  • Tập trung vào việc trả lời câu hỏi hơn là sử dụng những câu từ ngữ pháp phức tạp;

  • Suy nghĩ về những ý tưởng và quan điểm của bạn;

  • Trong đoạn đầu của phần thân bài viết về nguyên nhân của vấn đề và đoạn thứ hai viết về hướng giải quyết;

  • Một số câu hỏi chỉ hỏi bạn cách giải quyết vấn đề cho nên bạn có thể viết thành 2 đoạn giải pháp.

Những vấn đề thường gặp trong chủ đề Cities

  • Traffic congestion in cities;

  • The difficulties of living in a big city;

  • Migrating to cities in search of a better life;

  • Difference of cultures in cities;

  • Economy growth with jobs.

Dạng bài thường gặp trong chủ đề Cities

  • Discussion with opinion;

  • Problem and solution;

  • Advantages and disadvantages.

C. Một số đề và bài mẫu về chủ đề Cities

Sample 1:

“Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

There is a growing concern about the impact of city life on urban citizens’ health. While I agree that the availability of health services and facilities in city centers would benefit urban inhabitants greatly, I believe that city life also has detrimental effects on people’s health.

Firstly, I admit that living in cities is beneficial for people’s health to some certain extent. City dwellers can easily access fitness centers and recreation centers to improve their physical well-being and relieve stress, whereas those places might not be provided in the countryside. Besides, compared to those patients living in rural areas their counterparts living in cities might be able to access better health facilities and innovative technologies that can help with diagnosing a variety of diseases such as diabetes or cancer at an early stage and effectively treating them.

However, I believe that some physical and mental health problems would likely be the result of city life. The constant stream of noise from construction sites and transportation systems would result in noise pollution, and this might cause hypertension, tinnitus and sleep disturbances. Pollutants including exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and coal ash from industrial parks and are the main culprits of a number of health problems including respiratory infections, heart disease and lung cancer. Heavy traffic congestion in some metropolises like Beijing often makes commuters feel frustrated, and busy lifestyles might deprive people their time to relax, negatively affecting their health.

In conclusion, while I agree that the advantages that city life would bring to urban citizens are undeniable, I believe that some clear negative consequences for their physical and psychological well-being should not be denied.

Sample 2:

“Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities. Suggestsome measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities.”

Nowadays, it is obvious that the congestion in nearly all over the world is on the increase and cities are becoming busier. In my opinion, this problem must be tackled because it is a global issue, especially for many people who live in cities.

One of the main reasons which causes the traffic jam is that the majority of people prefer using their own cars instead of public transportation. However, it is not impossible to find good and effective ways to control the congestion. Public transportation is the easiest way to solve this trouble. If there are comfortable and cheap public transportations such as trains and buses, they will make people like to use them better than drive. For instance, in Manchester, Stagecoach buses are the most convenient buses that help the city to have comfortable life in its roads and streets during rush hours. In fact, governments should provide much better public transportation and charge prices that are affordable for everyone.

Another solution to solve that is to charge the congestion fee for every car that will go into a city centre. It will either discourage people from driving into that area, or raise more money for public transportation. A good example of this situation is London, which now has a congestion charge. Going to the city centre in London costs about £8 per day.

In conclusion, the problem of traffic congestion can be tackled by improving public transportation and by charging drivers who enter city centres.

Sample 3:

“People living in large cities today face many problems in their everyday life. What are these problems? Should governments encourage people to move to smaller regional towns?”

It is true that nowadays city residents have to encounter a large number of problems, especially those concerning environmental and social factors. However, encouraging people to migrate to smaller provincial towns, in my opinion, is not a viable solution to these problems.

As living in a metropolis, people are confronted with high level of air pollution, which is caused mainly by the exhaust fumes released into the atmosphere from petrol-driven vehicles. The more populated the city is, the higher the demand for traveling becomes, and as a result, the higher the level of air pollution will be. Living in this environment for a long time is supposed to be detrimental to human’s health as polluted air is the main contributor to respiratory diseases. Another problem involves social aspects such as the issue of unemployment. As many people moving to big cities do not have any skills or qualifications, they are unlikely to find a job. This higher unemployment rate can give rise to the increased criminal activities threatening inhabitants’ life.

Since dwelling in urban centers can have negative impacts, some governments tend to encourage the citizens to relocate to smaller regional towns, but I do not think this will be effective. The first reason for my belief is that this policy cannot guarantee a reduction in air pollution because people still have to commute to their workplace, which is usually located in city center. Indeed, living far away from cities means that people even have to travel a much longer distance to work, which, in fact, can increase the amount of exhaust emissions. The second reason is that finding jobs in the countryside is certainly not easier than in urban areas. Job opportunities in these places are much lower and people usually have to do low-paid jobs if they work in smaller and less developed towns.

In conclusion, it is obvious that living in big cities can create a number of problems, but encouraging people to migrate to suburban areas is, in my opinion, totally not a viable measure at least when it comes to addressing the problems concerning pollution and unemployment.

D. Một số đề khác

  • “Some people think that more money should be spent to promote the use of bicycles in cities. Others, however, believe that cities should focus on investing in public transport systems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.”

  • “In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom. Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?”

  • “In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom. Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?”

Chủ đề này khá đơn giản trong số 24 chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 thường gặp, bạn có thể nhìn vào thực tế cuộc sống để làm cho bài viết sống động hơn, nhưng hãy luôn nhớ đến vấn đề văn hóa nhé, bởi vì sự khác biệt của từng City chính là văn hóa và luật lệ riêng. Để biết được những điều đó, tìm đọc nhiều sách báo vẫn luôn là ưu tiên hàng đầu để rèn luyện ngôn từ và kiến thức cho bản thân.

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