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IELTS Writing Task 2 chủ đề Environment - Idea và từ vựng theo topic, subtopic

Nhiều thí sinh thường hay lo lắng khi gặp phải chủ đề Environment vì không biết phải trả lời sao cho hay, cho đúng. Đừng lo nữa, bài viết dưới đây sẽ tổng hợp những subtopics thường gặp nhất trong chủ đề Environment cũng như cung cấp kho ideas và vocab xịn sò được sắp xếp theo tư duy Linearthinking cho học viên. (Tìm hiểu thêm về cách học vocab theo tư duy Linearthinking tại đây #Link 94 Tổng hợp từ vựng hay cho IELTS Task 2).

IELTS Writing Task 2 chủ đề Environment - Idea và từ vựng theo topic, subtopic

Các subtopic thường gặp và đề bài

Dù chủ đề Environment nghe có vẻ khá khó và lạ với nhiều bạn nhưng thực chất những câu hỏi liên quan tới chủ đề này chỉ thường chỉ xoay quanh những vấn đề như: 

  • The protection of animal species

  • Energy depletion

  • Deforestation

  • Water pollution

  • Air pollution

  • Overpopulation

Cùng điểm qua thử một vài đề bài xoay quanh những chủ đề con này nhé:

Topic 1:

Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

Topic 2:

Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both views and give our opinion.

Topic 3:

To solve the ever-increasing environmental hazards throughout the world, the best way is to increase the price of fuel. What is your opinion on the above assumption?

Ideas và từ vựng theo subtopic

Cùng tìm hiểu những ideas và vocab được sử dụng để trả lời câu hỏi này nhé. Tất cả những vocab và ideas này đều đã được chọn lọc và sắp xếp thông minh theo tư duy Linearthinking nên bạn có thể hoàn toàn yên tâm mà học nè! (Tìm hiểu thêm về cách học vocab theo tư duy Linearthinking tại đây #Link 94 Tổng hợp từ vựng hay cho IELTS Task 2)




Air pollution

Overpopulation => an increase in private automobiles => a higher rate of CO2 emissions from vehicles => AIR POLLUTION

AIR POLLUTION => damage the respiratory system => increase the risk of health issues (asthma, lung cancer,...) 

Encourage the use of public transport => cut down private vehicles => reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles

Industrialization => increased constructions of buildings => exhaust fumes from industrial plants => pollute the air 

AIR POLLUTION => harm the beautiful sceneries of countries => cause bad reputation for countries => affect their tourism and economy

Provide appropriate policies to control or minimize => force to build filtration systems in factories => reduce exhaust fumes

Water pollution

Lack of awareness of protecting submarine life => discard plastic waste into rivers => contaminate water sources  

WATER POLLUTION => destroy the habitat of sea animals => push them to the brink of extinction

Raise people's awareness about environmental issues => encourage recycling => reduce the waste into rivers. 


- lack of awareness about birth control => higher birth rate => overpopulation

- cities offer more job and study opportunities => attract people from rural areas => overpopulation

- Overpopulation => increase the number of private vehicles on the streets => increase the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere => cause air pollution => result in serious environmental degradation.

- Overpopulation => the demand for housing and food will increase => more buildings and exploitation on natural resources => harm the environment because of the emissions from production => tribute to global warming => natural disasters. 

- Provide better education => Gain knowledge or understanding about the world => heighten awareness of sex and the impact of overpopulation => decrease the birth rate => slowly eliminate the overpopulation problem.

- Imposing taxes on consuming products => result in an increase in the price of goods => families have to pay more money to raise their children => restrict the number of children in low-income families => reduce the population rate.


- Overpopulation => force the governments to allow construction companies to encroach on woodlands => result in a decrease in the number of trees in the area such as Amazon forest > deforestation

- Do not inform strict law on logging => no securities for natural forests to protect them from being harmed => people keeps on exploiting them => cut down trees uncontrollably => deforestation 

- destroy the living habitat of animals => no shelter from the cold or from predators => the extinction of some species

- soil erosion => natural disasters such as floods => destroy crops and claim human lives 

- Inform people about the consequences of deforestation => make some advertisements on TVs or interview experts => educate people and raise their awareness about protecting forests => reduce the potential of deforestation. 

- More forest securities should be in place => ban people from logging where the forest is low => solve the demand problem by introducing people to artificial furniture instead of using wood => cut down the demand of wood => decrease the possibility of deforestation. 

The extinction of animal species

- deforestation => destroy the living habitat of animals => no shelter from the cold or from predators => the extinction of some species

- poaching => reduce the number of animals => push endangered species to the brink of extinction

- the extinction of species => break the balance of the ecosystem => affect other species in the food chain

- the extinction of species => lose biodiversity => lack of food supplies for future generations

+ impose heavy punishments on poachers => deter them from hunting illegally + put endangered species in nature reserve => protect them from predators and 

Energy depletion

- overpopulation => increasing demand for energy use => overexploitation => energy depletion

- the development of technology => the popularity of electric machines and technological devices => increasing demand for power => overexploitation => energy depletion

energy depletion => energy crisis => lack of energy sources for future use

use alternative energy => reduce the dependence on fossil fuel => prevent energy depletion

use energy-saving devices => example: bulbs that automatically turn off when no one is in the room => reduce the consumption of energy sources 

Bài mẫu

Cùng quan sát thử cách những ideas và vocab trên được áp dụng để trả lời một topic cụ thể như thế nào nhé: 

Đề bài - Topic 1:

Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment.

What can governments do to address these problems?

What can individual people do?

Bài mẫu Sample Essay:

Human activities are having a negative impact on many aspects of the environment. This essay will outline how humans destroy their natural surroundings as well as the possible solutions that governments and individuals can adopt to solve green issues.

There are many activities done by humans which deteriorate the environment, the most important of which are related to poaching and plastic waste. As for the former, many illegal hunters kill animals for their fur and bones, which significantly reduces the number of individuals in a species. This can push endangered species to the brink of extinction and pose a threat to the balance of the ecosystem. In addition, due to a lack of awareness of protecting submarine life, many people discard plastic waste into rivers. This contaminates water sources and destroys the habitat of many aquatic creatures.

To combat these issues, various measures can be taken by both governments and their citizens. In fact, governments should impose heavy punishments on poachers to deter them from hunting animals illegally. This can be a way to prevent animal extinction in many species. In addition, individuals should raise their own awareness about environmental issues and encourage them to recycle more. This can help reduce the amount of waste in rivers. 

In conclusion, while humans have destroyed the environment in many ways, I believe the negative impacts that humans exert can be ameliorated by several actions taken by both governments and individuals.

Luyện tập thêm

Cùng luyện tập thêm với những đề thi IELTS gần đây nhất tại kho đề IELTS Task 2 của DOL nhé! #Link 77 Tổng hợp đề thi mẫu Writing 

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